Walking along the lake, sourrounded by a misty fog, the other side of the lake hidden in a white wall of clouds.

My feet raise and sink in a bed of colours; red, yellow, brown, a rest of green….. The wind picks up and starts to dance with the leaves, twirling them around, up and down, left and right, with no set direction.

From my left I hear laughter. My eyes get a hold on two people, a boy and a girl on a playground, spinning on a carrousel, while the trees dress them in their colours.

I smile.

The air is cold. The sun is hiding its warm light, but it is bright enough to see all the small wonders nature has to offer. A squirrle crosses my path. I stop to watch it. Its red fur almost seems to burn, as it runs through the grass, reaching the nearest tree, starting to climb. 

I start walking again. A deep breath. The wind carries the smell of wet grass. The sound of soft wispering, like an orchestra, a chorus of a million little creature, hiding from my mortal eyes. What could they be talking about?

I listen as I keep walking.

The forest greets me, while the fog stays behind, whirling over the lake, like the fog hiding the legendary Avalon.

The birds are singing.

I stop and sit down next to the path, leading deeper into the mystery world of the hidden, almost fairylike creautres, that appear und disappear, whenever I try to focus on them.

Silence, but not silent. I can’t think of a better way to describe it.

The animals around me are prepairing for their white cousin, which will be their neighbour for a while, visiting with it cold gifts. 

I stay still, listening, watching.

Finally the light is fading, leaving its place to a reassuring dark. I get up, rustling through the fires of colours, turning silver as I walk. Little diamond blink through the clouds, alighting my path. Heading home I look up. The moon is smiling down on the world and I think:

What a beautiful time.



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